Do you Crochet? This is Luxury Crochet, a fashion Look, but for Free, from fabric Scraps!
Crochet with string, add bits of cloth. My Special Crochet Needle is How.
Cut Up Old Clothes Make Luxury from Scraps DIY Crochet for Free Shirrét! a Beanie a Beer Cozy
There are just Two Basic Crochet stitches of string, the chain and double crochet.
Step 1 Find some old clothes, and string. Medium-weave cotton-ish and wool-ish are best to start with. Follow my fold-and-cut layers method to cut Fabric Strips quickly. Step 2 'Baste' a fabric strip onto my unique needle, lengthwise. You're not sewing! Step 3 Make a V between middle and ring finger and reach for the needle to fit it into your hand, and wrap your fingers. Crochet a chain stitch with string and Step 4 With your other hand, pull a bit of fabric OFF the hook and ONTO the stitch. Repeat. You're just crocheting.
You can always fall back on my slow, clear, easy Video Lessons, 12 for $8 - the basics in motion.
62,000 People have discovered and enjoy a lifetime of Shirret, in making, in giving, and living with, since 1930 and 1968.
It combines your string, and your cut-up worn-out clothes and fabric scraps.
You get super soft and touchy feely, texturey, thick Crochet. we named Shirret (it rhymes). The trick is this Unique steel Crochet Needle from the 1930s and 1999.
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