New In Crochet! It's a Special Crochet Hook AND Needle, all in one.
It makes a deep, thick, luxury rug-like textile. It crochets twine through cloth.
Baste through a strip of fabric with the point of the needle. It fills the needle with gathers.
Now put string on the hook on the needle and crochet a chain stitch.
Here's the magic of String with Cloth. Pull a bit of fabric over and onto the stitch.
There's a super-fast method for cutting up old clothes into strips.
I can make a hat from worn out Smart Wool® socks. A Beer Cozy from a faded bathing suit.
Step 1 Get some string. Get fabric scraps. Cotton-ish and Wool-ish medium-weave are best to start with. Follow my fold-and-cut method. Step 2 'Baste' a fabric strip length-wise onto my long needle. You're not sewing! Step 3 Make an open V with your hand between middle and ring finger. Reach for the needle and put it in the open V. Wrap your middle finger around the wiggle in the needle. Step 4 Crochet a chain stitch with string. Step 5 With your other hand, pull a bit of fabric OFF the needle, OVER the hook and ONTO the stitch. It's crochet.
It gives a rich, thick, Luxury Fashion look.
You can see the basics in motion in my slow, clear, easy Video Lessons, 12 for $8 .
You will be surprised to know that my mother Louise McCrady's seven editions of her hand-typed and printed book, called first Creative Rugcraft and then The Art of Shirret taught 62,000 people world-wide to make these rugs before the internet existed. They have discovered, and enjoy, a lifetime of Shirret, in making, in giving, and living with, since 1930 and 1968.