New In Crochet!   It's a Special Crochet Hook AND Needle, all in one. 

 It makes a deep, thick, luxury rug-like textile. It crochets twine through cloth.  

What you can make in Shirret: a luxury from fabric scraps sunflower bedside rug, new in crochet.
What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury rugs with fabric scraps, cats love shirret, new in crochet.
What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury diy decor like this hot mat table mat from fabric scraps, new in crochet.
What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury quilts from fabric scraps, new in crochet.
What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury mug mat pattern from fabric scraps, new in crochet.
What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, watch my how-to crochet and how-to shirret to make luxury from old clothes and fabric scraps, new in crochet.
What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, how to shirret videos online, DIY luxury rugs from fabric scraps, new in crochet.
What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury rugs with fabric scraps, new in crochet.

What you can make in Shirret: a luxury from fabric scraps sunflower bedside rug, new in crochet. What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury rugs with fabric scraps, cats love shirret, new in crochet. What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury diy decor like this hot mat table mat from fabric scraps, new in crochet. What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury quilts from fabric scraps, new in crochet. What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury mug mat pattern from fabric scraps, new in crochet. What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, watch my how-to crochet and how-to shirret to make luxury from old clothes and fabric scraps, new in crochet. What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, how to shirret videos online, DIY luxury rugs from fabric scraps, new in crochet. What you can make in Shirret: use my special crochet needle, shirret cord, to make luxury rugs with fabric scraps, new in crochet.

Baste through a strip of fabric with the point of the needle. It fills the needle with gathers.

Now put string on the hook on the needle and crochet a chain stitch.  

Here's the magic of String with Cloth. Pull a bit of fabric over and onto the stitch.

There's a super-fast method for cutting up old clothes into strips.        

I can make a hat from worn out Smart Wool® socks. A Beer Cozy from a faded bathing suit.

Step 1  Get some string. Get fabric scraps. Cotton-ish and Wool-ish medium-weave are best to start with. Follow my fold-and-cut method.  Step 2  'Baste' a fabric strip length-wise onto my long needle. You're not  sewing!  Step 3  Make an open V with your hand between middle and ring finger. Reach for the needle and put it in the open V. Wrap your middle finger around the wiggle in the needle. Step 4 Crochet a chain stitch with string. Step 5  With your other hand, pull a bit of fabric OFF the needle, OVER the hook and ONTO the stitch. It's crochet.

It gives a rich, thick, Luxury Fashion look.

You can see the basics in motion in my slow, clear, easy Video Lessons, 12 for $8 .

    You will be surprised to know that my mother Louise McCrady's seven editions of her hand-typed and printed book, called first Creative Rugcraft and then The Art of Shirret taught 62,000 people world-wide to make these rugs before the internet existed. They have discovered, and enjoy, a lifetime of Shirret, in making, in giving, and living with, since 1930 and 1968. 

You get super soft and touchy feely, texturey, thick Crochet. Louise named it Shirret. It rhymes with Crochet.  The trick is this Unique steel Crochet Needle from the 1930s and 1999.

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Thanks for crocheting and repurposing fabrics - into Shirrét™ Luxury and beauty for the home!
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